GEAR | Mason Pearson Hairbrushes

Photo of Katharine Ross via This Must Be The Place.

There's been such a surge in the world of men's grooming and barbershops that it's hard to swing a cat without bumping into some sort of new-fangled-yet-old-fashioned shave lotion or beard balm or haircut. Women's grooming, not so much. But there is one truly old-fashioned and high-quality women's (and men's) grooming product that really deserves a mention: the Mason Pearson hair brush. More or less unchanged since 1885, the classic rubber-cushioned hairbrush is still made in London and the company is still run by the original family. Their website design isn't exactly keeping pace with the 21st century, but that's OK, it actually makes me like them more. They don't need the slick effects to sell it because they've built a reputation on building one thing to last as long as possible. I've had mine for decades and I assume it will last decades more. To decide which brush is best for you, check out their full range.
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